

What is IIIF?

How to find IIIF maps

Some places where you can find IIIF maps:

❗Please note: not all of these collections expose the IIIF manifest to the public (contact us to learn the tricks) and some of them are currently not compatible with Allmaps.

Georeferencing with Allmaps

❗Removing points from the menu might confuse the numbering. Reload the page to reset the numbering. Note that the order of numbers could change after reloading the page.

Save the georeferencing annotation to GitHub

The Allmaps Editor automatically saves your work. If you close the window, open the editor again, paste the same IIIF manifest link, you can continue to edit. If somebody else is editing the same map at the same time, their changes will become visible in real time. This also means somebody else can change your work, which is why you might want to save the results independently of the Allmaps Editor. Follow these steps:

Alternative method using the Allmaps API:

View your annotation in the Allmaps Viewer

There’re two ways to view the annotation in the Allmaps Viewer.

❗You can also paste the link generated in the previous section (under Alternative method) in the Annotation URL field.